Amaranth, whose seeds have 6% to 10% oil content, has a bad cholesterol-lowering effect. Those with gluten sensitivity can use this cholesterol-lowering superfood as an alternative to oats.
“Squalene” contained in amaranth helps to fight cancer by stopping blood flow to tumors.
Amaranth is also a food rich in folic acid, which helps prevent the risk of neural tube defects in the baby and miscarriage that may occur in pregnancy for women in their fertile period.
Amaranth, which contains high fiber content, helps to increase bowel movements. With its high protein and fiber content, it can be used for weight loss in slimming diets by helping to keep it full.
Amaranth also has positive effects on diabetics. In some studies, it has been observed that amaranth significantly reduces blood glucose levels by increasing the insulin value.
The flowers of the amaranth plant help with toothache and fever, and reduce pain.